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Who We Are

Clinic Directors & Leaders

Clinic Directors & Leaders

Our staff provides free healthcare with hospitality, dignity, and grace. As part of our commitment to our patients, we serve as a gateway to other human service agencies helping them in finding an appropriate healthcare home.

But first and foremost, they focus their energies on those patients who take advantage of our programs and services.

Our clinic directors and leaders represent a cross-section of our community and are passionate about our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure the long-term sustainability of the clinic's medical services and oversee that the funds raised directly affect those in need.


Clinical Directors

Volunteer Clinic Leaders

Mission Team Leaders

Roni Bliemeister and Carolyn Minster 2nd Tuesday Sheridan Lutheran Church
Krystal Davis 5th Tuesdays and Thursdays University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing/Union College
Laura Dilworth and Megan Stitt 2nd Thursday Lincoln Berean Church
Heather Donahoe 2nd Wednesday Southwood Lutheran Church
Ronda Eitzmann and Jan Shaner 3rd Tuesday Southwood Lutheran Church
Kathleen Hanna and Lori Palensky 1st Thursday First-Plymouth/First Presbyterian Churches
Jodi Nelson and Tonya Maloy 1st Monday Southeast Community College College of Health Science
Cheryl Peterson and Kirk Conger 1st Tuesday St. Mark's Methodist Church
Judy Pierce 4th Monday Specialty Night Clinic
Genna Lehr and Jackie Wright 4th Tuesday Bryan Health System
Jan Shaner and Dustin Rembold 2nd and 4th Thursday Southwood Lutheran Church
CWH Staff 2nd and 4th Thursday Specialty Clinic
Barb Straus 4th Thursday St. Paul Methodist Church and South Street Temple

Our Impact Throughout the Community...Thanks to you!

  • In-Person Appointments Provided


  • Patients Served Without Insurance


  • Patients Living In Poverty
